SVUX evening classes

SVUX evening classes (course code 120201)

Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16 September to 3 December, 5:00 pm to 6.30 pm

No course fee


Grasp the opportunity and sign up for SVUX evening classes! This integration course is held in Swedish and intended for individuals with an immigrant background who are not entitled to an integration plan. The aim is to support participants in their integration process by offering comprehensive studies in Swedish language, community orientation and working life skills. Through this project, participants have the opportunity to improve their language skills and gain a deeper understanding of society and working life.

During the course, we will focus on learning Swedish both in writing and verbally through grammar and conversation exercises. You will also get an introduction to Finnish history and culture, as well as learn about laws and the structure of society. We also get acquainted with the Finnish labour market, the job search process and the work culture.

Registration starting Tuesday 3 September at 5:00 pm by visiting us at Biblioteksvägen 2 D.

 NB! Registration only on site, not by phone or online.